Author : CA & Dr. P C Tulsian, Tushar Tulsian & CA Bharat Tulsian
Price : 1150.00 920.00
The book has been designed for the students of CA Intermediate course (Group I) for the subject Accounting (Paper 1) as per the syllabus issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
It serves as a self-study text and provides an overview and essential guidance for understanding complex accounting principles and practices. The text includes detail discussion on accounting for bonus issue, cash flow statements, accounting for special transactions & accounting for departments, branches, and foreign branches. The second section of the book is presented in a simple and lucid manner elaborating the framework for preparation and presentation of financial statements and applications of Accounting Standards.
All important equations, formulae, figures and practical steps have been presented in screen format to catch the eye. Based on the author's proven approach teach yourself style, the book is replete with numerous illustrations, exhibits and easy retention of concepts.
· Numerous questions along with answers have been provided for better understanding of important theoretical concepts
· Over 600 illustrations have been provided for a better understanding of the text
· Over 100 exhibits to acquaint students with various accounting treatment and formatsTULSIAN'S ACCOUNTANCY FOR CA INTERMEDIATE COURSE (GROUP I)
Section A
1: Accounting for Bonus Issue
2: Redemption of Redeemable Preference Shares
3: Redemption of Debentures
4A: Managerial Remuneration
4B: Financial Statements of a Company
5: Cash Flow Statement
6: Profit Prior to Incorporation and Accounting for Business Acquisition
7: Accounting for Investments
8: Insurance Claims
9: Accounting for Hire Purchase and Instalment Purchase
10: Accounting for Departments
11A: Accounting for Branches
11B: Accounting for Foreign Branches
12: Accounts from Incomplete Records [or Single Entry System]
Section B: Accounting Standards
1: Preface to Accounting Standards
2: Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
3: AS 1 - Disclosure of Accounting Policies
4: AS 2 - Valuation of Inventories
5: AS 3 - Cash Flow Statement
6: AS 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment
7: AS 11 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
8: AS 12 - Accounting for Government Grants
9: AS 13 - Accounting for Investments
10: AS 16 - Borrowing Cost
Section 1: Tulsian's Fully Solved Scanner for Accounting Standard Questions
1: Preface to Accounting Standards
2: Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
3: AS 1 - Disclosure of Accounting Policies
4: AS 2 - Valuation of Inventories
5: AS 3 - Cash Flow Statement
6: AS 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment
7: AS 11 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
8: AS 12 - Accounting for Government Grants
9: AS 13 - Accounting for Investments
10: AS 16 - Borrowing Cost
Section 2: Tulsian's Fully Solved Scanner `for Theoretical Questions
• Important Theoretical Questions
Section 3: Tulsian's Fully Solved Scanner for Practical Questions
1: Accounting for Bonus Issue
2: Redemption of Preference Shares
3: Redemption of Debentures
4A: Managerial Remuneration
4B: Financial Statements of a Company
5: Cash Flow Statement
6: Profit Prior to Incorporation and Accounting for Business Acquisition
7: Accounting for Investments
8: Insurance Claims
9: Accounting for Hire Purchase and Instalment Purchase
10: Accounting for Departments
11A: Accounting for Branches
11B: Accounting for Foreign Branches
12: Accounts from Incomplete Records [or Single Entry System]
Section 4: Tulsian's Model Test Papers With Answers
Tulsian's Model Test Paper 1
Section 5: CA Intermediate Examination Papers
CA Intermediate Examination Papers - Accounting [Group I]
For the Students of CA Intermediate Course
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