Author : B P Pandey
Price : 595.00 476.00
This book is contain Pteridophyta,Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany compilation work and embodies a fairly comprehensive treatment of the fundamental facts and aspects of the subject. This book will serve as an introduction to Botany to the beginners in this field.
Pteridophyta: 1. Introduction, 2. Order Psilophytales, 3. Order Psilotales, 4. Order
Lycopodiales, 5. Order Selaginellales, 6. Order Equisetales, 7. Order Ophioglossales, 8. Order Marsileales, 9. Order Filicales, 10. General Topics • Selected Readings • Glossary • Question Bank • Index, Gymnosperms: 1. Introduction, 2. Order Cycadales, 3. Order Ginkgoales, 4. Order Coniferales, 5. Order Taxales, 6. Order Gnetales, Palaeobotany: 7. Methods of Fossil Study, 8. Order Psilophytales, 9. Order Pteridospermales (Cycadofilicales), 10. Order Cycadeoideales (Bennettitales), 11. Order Cordaitales, Glossary • Question Bank • Index, Angiosperms: 1. Angiosperms: Introduction, 2. Evolution of Classification, 3. Modern Trends in Taxonomy, 4. Nomenclature of Plants, 5. Plant Collection and Preparation of Herbarium, 6. How to Describe an Angiospermic Plant, 7. Angiosperms: Glossary with Illustrations, 8. Glossary of Botanical Terms, 9. The Dicotyledones-Order-Rosales-Family-Rosaceae, 10. Order-Leguminales, Family-Fabaceae, 11. Order-Malvales Family-Malvaceae, 12. Order-Euphorbiales Family- Euphorbiaceae, 13. Order-Rutales Family-Rutaceae, 14. Order-Apocynales Family -Apocynaceae & Family-Asclepiadaceae, 15. Order-Rubiales Family-Rubiaceae, 16. Order-Ranales Family-Ranunculaceae, 17. Order-Brassicales (Cruciales), Family- Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), 18. Order- aryophyllales Family-Caryophyllaceae, 19. Order- Chenopodiales Family-Chenopodiaceae & Family-Amaranthaceae, 20. Order-Umbellales Family-Apiaceae (Umbelliferae), 21. Order-Solanales Family-Solanaceae, 22. Order- Personales Family-Acanthaceae, 23. Order-Lamiales Family-Lamiaceae (Labiatae), 24. The Monocotyledones Order-Liliales Family-Liliaceae and Allies, 25. Order- Graminales Family-Poaceae (Gramineae) • Question Bank, 26. Basic Body Plan of Flowering Plant, 27. Convergence of Evolution of Tree Habit, 28. Trees: Largest and Longest Lived Organisms, 29. Diversity and Morphology of Flowering Plants • Question Bank, 30. Reproduction in Flowering Plants • Question Bank
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