1. History and Administration of Company Law in India, 2. Definition and Nature of a Company, 3. Kinds of Companies, 4. Forming a Company, 5. Memorandum of Association, 6. Articles of Association, 7. Prospectus, 8. Shares, 9. Share Capital, 10. Members, 11. Transfer and Transmission of Shares, 12. Management of a Company, 13. Company Meetings, 14. Borrowing Powers and Debentures, 15. Accounts and Audit, 16. Dividends and Bonus Shares, 17. Majority Powers and Minority Protection, 18. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement, 19. Investigations, 20. Compromise, Arrangement, Reconstruction and Amalgamation, 21. Winding Up, 22. Winding Up of Unregistered Companies, 23. Defunct Companies, 24. Emerging Areas in Company Law: Book Building, 25. Depository System, 26. Corporate Governance, 27. Producer Companies • Appendix