Part-I: The Personnel Arena: 1. The Personnel Function, 2. Position of the Personnel Department, 3. Personnel Department in Practice, Part-II: Manpower Planning and Development: 4. Manpower Planning, 5. The Manpower Selection Process, 6. Manpower Selection Practices in India, 7. Manpower Training and Development, 8. Job Changes-Promotions, Transfers, and Dislocations, Part-III: Increasing Personnel Productivity: 9. Personnel Productivity Through Motivation, 10. Personnel Supervision- Leadership Styles, 11. Wage Administrative and Wages Policy, 12. Employee Fringe Benefits and Social Security, Part-IV: Towards More Effective Human Relations: 13. Industrial Relations, 14. Industrial Disputes and The Legislative Framework, 15. Employee Communications, Part-V: Performance Evaluation and Personnel Audit: 16. Performance Appraisals, 17. Performance Appraisals