Book-1: The Anglo-Saxon Period: 1. The Making of the English Nation, 2. Anglo-Saxon Literature, Book-2: Middle English Period 1066-1485: 3. Middle English Literature: First Period (1006-1350), 4. Middle English Literature: Second Period (1350-1400), 5. Chaucer, Book-3: Between Chaucer and Spenser: 6. Fifteenth Century: Poetry, 7. Fifteenth Century: Prose, 8. The Renaissance and the Reformation, 9. Early Tudor or Pre-Elizabethan Literature, Book-4: The Elizabethan Age: 10. Elizabethan Poetry: Spenser, 11. Elizabethan Poetry: Spenser´s Contemporaries, 12. Elizabethan Prose, 13. The Drama Before Shakespeare, 14. Shakespeare, 15. Other Elizabethan Dramatists, Book-5: The Puritan Period 1603-1660: 16. The Puritan Age: Poetry (1), 17. The Puritan Age: Poetry (2), 18. The Puritan Age: Prose, Book-6: The Augustan Age 1660-1800: 19. The Restoration Period or The Age of Dryden: Poetry, 20. The Age of Dryden: Drama, 21. The Age of Dryden: Prose, 22. The Augustan Age: The Eighteenth Century, 23. Queen Anne Prose, 24. The Age of Pope: Poetry, 25. The Age of Johnson: Poetry, 26. The Heralds of the Romantic Revival, 27. The Eighteenth Century Novel, 28. The Age of Johnson: Prose (Essay), 29. Eighteenth Century Letter Writers, 30. The Age of Johnson: Miscellaneous Prose, 31. Eighteenth Century Drama, Book-7: Nineteenth Century: 32. The Age of Wordsworth: The Romantic Movement, 33. The Age of Wordsworth: Romantic Poets (1), 34. The Age of Wordsworth: Romantic Poets (2), 35. The Age of Wordsworth: The Novel, 36. The Age of Wordsworth: Essay and Criticism, Book-8: Victorian Literature: 37. Victorian Literature: Poetry (1), 38. Victorian Literature: Poetry (2), 39. Victorian Literature: Poetry (3), 40. The Victorian Novel (1), 41. The Victorian Novel (2), 42. The Victorian Prose, 43. Miscellaneous Prose Writers, Book-9: The Twentieth Century: 44. Twentieth Century Literature: Poetry (General), 45. Modern Poets, 46. Modernist Poets, 47. The Drama: Revival and After, 48. The Drama: Playwrights, 49. Poetic Drama, Book-10: The Twentieth Century (Continued): 50. The Novel (General), 51. The Novel: Early 20th Century, 52. The Novel: Middle and Later 20th Century, 53. The Novel: Miscellaneous, 54. General Prose