
A Compendious History of English Literature

A Compendious History of English Literature

Author : R.D. Trivedi

(0 Reviews)
  • ISBN : 9780706986310
  • Pages : 888
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Imprint : Vikas Publishing
  • © year : 2023
  • Size : 5.5 X 8.5

Price : 750.00 600.00

This book, designed to be a text for Indian students, traces lucidly the history of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day. Thus, the book is an essence of English literature spanning 1500 years. Abstractions have been avoided to the extent possible and wherever generalisations have been made they have been substantiated with samples of evidence. This will lure encourage readers to read classics, understand the style of the writer, and whet their intellectual spirits. With its coverage and approach the book will not only be useful for students in India but also for those of other countries where English is taught as a foreign language.

Book-1: The Anglo-Saxon Period: 1. The Making of the English Nation, 2. Anglo-Saxon Literature, Book-2: Middle English Period 1066-1485: 3. Middle English Literature: First Period (1006-1350), 4. Middle English Literature: Second Period (1350-1400), 5. Chaucer, Book-3: Between Chaucer and Spenser: 6. Fifteenth Century: Poetry, 7. Fifteenth Century: Prose, 8. The Renaissance and the Reformation, 9. Early Tudor or Pre-Elizabethan Literature, Book-4: The Elizabethan Age: 10. Elizabethan Poetry: Spenser, 11. Elizabethan Poetry: Spenser´s Contemporaries, 12. Elizabethan Prose, 13. The Drama Before Shakespeare, 14. Shakespeare, 15. Other Elizabethan Dramatists, Book-5: The Puritan Period 1603-1660: 16. The Puritan Age: Poetry (1), 17. The Puritan Age: Poetry (2), 18. The Puritan Age: Prose, Book-6: The Augustan Age 1660-1800: 19. The Restoration Period or The Age of Dryden: Poetry, 20. The Age of Dryden: Drama, 21. The Age of Dryden: Prose, 22. The Augustan Age: The Eighteenth Century, 23. Queen Anne Prose, 24. The Age of Pope: Poetry, 25. The Age of Johnson: Poetry, 26. The Heralds of the Romantic Revival, 27. The Eighteenth Century Novel, 28. The Age of Johnson: Prose (Essay), 29. Eighteenth Century Letter Writers, 30. The Age of Johnson: Miscellaneous Prose, 31. Eighteenth Century Drama, Book-7: Nineteenth Century: 32. The Age of Wordsworth: The Romantic Movement, 33. The Age of Wordsworth: Romantic Poets (1), 34. The Age of Wordsworth: Romantic Poets (2), 35. The Age of Wordsworth: The Novel, 36. The Age of Wordsworth: Essay and Criticism, Book-8: Victorian Literature: 37. Victorian Literature: Poetry (1), 38. Victorian Literature: Poetry (2), 39. Victorian Literature: Poetry (3), 40. The Victorian Novel (1), 41. The Victorian Novel (2), 42. The Victorian Prose, 43. Miscellaneous Prose Writers, Book-9: The Twentieth Century: 44. Twentieth Century Literature: Poetry (General), 45. Modern Poets, 46. Modernist Poets, 47. The Drama: Revival and After, 48. The Drama: Playwrights, 49. Poetic Drama, Book-10: The Twentieth Century (Continued): 50. The Novel (General), 51. The Novel: Early 20th Century, 52. The Novel: Middle and Later 20th Century, 53. The Novel: Miscellaneous, 54. General Prose

• A brief but comprehensive political and social history of each literary period
• An adequate biographical account of every major author
• A detailed study of every major author with copious examples from his works, to the extent of making it an independent and self-contained critique
• Illustrative specimens from authors of middle and minor ranks
• Summaries or outlines of famous poems, plays, and novels
• Notes on important figures of European history and literature
• Brief notices of American and Commonwealth novelists
• A glossary of technical terms of literature

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