
Optics and Spectroscopy

Optics and Spectroscopy

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  • ISBN : 9788121914413
  • Pages : 490
  • Binding : Perfect
  • Language : English
  • Imprint : S Chand Publishing
  • © year : 1997
  • Size : 6.75''X9.5''

Price : 450.00 360.00

This book has been written for the students of B.Sc., Physics of various Indian Universities. The book covers the syllabi, prescribed by Madras, Bharathiyar, Bharathidhasan, Madurai Kamaraj and Manonmaniam Sundaranar Universities.
SI System of Units has been used throughout the text. Proper care has been taken in dealing with the subject with modern outlook. A large number of questions and problems have been given at the end of each Chapter. Students should attempt to tackle them properly for better insight and understanding of the subject.

1. Geometrical Optics 2. Interference . 3. Diffraction . 4. Polarisation Of Light 5. Spectroscopy 127 6. Matrix Method In Paraxial Optics 7. Coherence 8. Fibre Optics 9. Holography 10. Electromagnetic Waves 11. Dispersion And Scattering 12. Laser 13. Interference 14. Magnification Of A Lens System 15. Stimulated Raman Scattering 16. Polarisation-Ii (Matrix Method) 17. Fermat’S Principle …...... 38. The Echelon Grating And Its Resolving Power 39. Laser In Industry 40. Photonics 41. Fibre Optic Sensors 42. Fibre Characteristics And Classification 43. Optical Fibre As A Cylindrical Waveguide 44. Fibre Losses 45. Dispersion In Optical Fibres . 46. Optical Fibre Communication System 47. Optical Fibre Fabrication . 48. Electromagnetic Waves-Ii . 49. Spectroscopy Appendix .499

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