
Physics for B.Sc. Students Semester III MJCPHY-3, MJCPHY-4, & MICPHY-3 : Thermal Physics & Thermodynamics | Electricity & Magnetism - NEP 2020 Bihar

Physics for B.Sc. Students Semester III MJCPHY-3, MJCPHY-4, & MICPHY-3 : Thermal Physics & Thermodynamics | Electricity & Magnetism - NEP 2020 Bihar

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  • ISBN : 9789358709773
  • Pages : 472
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Imprint : S Chand Publishing
  • © year : 2024
  • Size : 6.50*9.25

Price : 475.00 380.00

This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. Third Semester students of Physics as per Common Minimum Syllabus prescribed for Patna University and other Universities and Colleges under the recommended National Education Policy 2020 in Bihar. The book extensively covers important aspects of the modern-day course curriculum such as classical-, quantum- and statistical-based solutions to the most complicated problems in physics of micro-dimensional size. The book comprised of two theory papers 'Thermal Physics & Thermodynamics' and 'Electricity & Magnetism'.

The theory part starts with Maxwell-Boltzmann Energy Distribution Law for an ideal gas followed by Degrees of Freedom, Law of Equipartition of Energy, Molecular Collisions, Mean Free Path, Transport Phenomenon. Subject further progresses to explain the Brownian Motion and Rectilinear Flow of Heat, Vander Waal's Equation for Real Gases, Jools-Thomson Effect, Zeroth, First, Second, Third Laws of Thermodynamics, Concept of Entropy and Thermodynamic Potentials along with nine laboratory experiments are incorporated pertaining to this paper.

The paper Electricity and Magnetism covers important topics such as Electrostatics, Dielectric Properties of Matter, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Damping, Electromagnetic Induction and Electrical Circuits along with fourteen Laboratory experiments are incorporated pertaining to this paper.

Also, oral questions are incorporated at the end of each experiment which are usually asked in Practical examination.

This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. Third Semester students of Physics as per Common Minimum Syllabus prescribed for Patna University and other Universities and Colleges under the recommended National Education Policy 2020 in Bihar. The book extensively covers important aspects of the modern-day course curriculum such as classical-, quantum- and statistical-based solutions to the most complicated problems in physics of micro-dimensional size. The book comprised of two theory papers 'Thermal Physics & Thermodynamics' and 'Electricity & Magnetism'.

The theory part starts with Maxwell-Boltzmann Energy Distribution Law for an ideal gas followed by Degrees of Freedom, Law of Equipartition of Energy, Molecular Collisions, Mean Free Path, Transport Phenomenon. Subject further progresses to explain the Brownian Motion and Rectilinear Flow of Heat, Vander Waal's Equation for Real Gases, Jools-Thomson Effect, Zeroth, First, Second, Third Laws of Thermodynamics, Concept of Entropy and Thermodynamic Potentials along with nine laboratory experiments are incorporated pertaining to this paper.

The paper Electricity and Magnetism covers important topics such as Electrostatics, Dielectric Properties of Matter, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Damping, Electromagnetic Induction and Electrical Circuits along with fourteen Laboratory experiments are incorporated pertaining to this paper.

Also, oral questions are incorporated at the end of each experiment which are usually asked in Practical examination.

  • This textbook comprehensively covers the subject Introduction to Mathematical Physics & Classical Mechanics.  
  • More than 250 figures and solved examples for easy understanding of concepts
  • Close to 450 questions (short- and long-answer) strengthen the well-explained theoretical concepts.


Thermal Physics & Thermodynamics

Unit I: Kinetic Theory of Gases

1. Ideal Gas

2. Transport Phenomena in Ideal Gases

Unit II: Real Gases

3. Behaviour of Real Gases

Unit III: Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics

4. Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics

Unit IV: Second Law of Thermodynamics

5. Second and Third Law of Thermodynamics

6. Entropy and Thermodynamic Potentials


1. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat

2. Thermal Conductivity

3. Platinum Resistance Thermometer

4. Thermo-Emf Thermometry

5. Joly's Apparatus

6. Clement and Desorme's Apparatus


Electricity & Magnetism

Unit I: Electrostatics

1. Electric Field and Potential

Unit II: Dielectric Properties of Matter

2. Dielectric Properties of Matter 

Unit III: Magnetism

3. Magnetic Field Due to Steady Currents

4. Gauss's Law of Magnetism

Unit IV: Electromagnetic Induction

5. Time Varying Electromagnetic Fields

Unit V: Electrical Circuits

6. A.C. Circuits


1. Design and Use of a Multimeter

2. Calibration of Ammeter and Voltmeter by Potentiometer

3. Low Resistance by Carey Foster's Bridge

4. Low Resistance by Potentiometer

5. High Resistance by Leakage Method

6. Figure of Merit of a Moving Coil Galvanometer

7. Angle of Dip using an Earth Inductor

8. Comparison of Two Capacities by De' Sauty's Bridge

9. Characteristics of a Series RC Circuit

10. Verification of Thevenin and Norton Theorems

11. Verification of Superposition and Maximum Power

12. Self-Inductance of a Coil by Anderson's Bridge using DC and AC

13. Study of Series LCR Circuit

14. Study of Parallel LCR Circuit

This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. Third Semester students of Physics as per Common Minimum Syllabus prescribed for Patna University and other Universities and Colleges under the recommended National Education Policy 2020 in Bihar.

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