Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Protozoa: Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 3: Paramecium (Phylum Protozoa)
Chapter 4: Plasmodium (Malaria Parasite) (Phylum Protozoa)
Chapter 5: Entamoeba histolytica (Phylum Protozoa)
Chapter 6: Locomotion in Protozoa
Chapter 7: Reproduction in Protozoa
Chapter 8: Phylum Porifera: Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 9: Scypha (Sycon) (Phylum Porifera)
Chapter 10: Canal System in Sponges
Chapter 11: Skeleton of Sponges
Chapter 12: Affinities of Sponges (Porifera) and Origin of Metazoa
Chapter 13: Phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterata): Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 14: Obelia (Phylum Cnidaria)
Chapter 15: Polymorphism in Cnidaria
Chapter 16: Corals and Coral Reefs
Chapter 17: Phylum Ctenophora
Chapter 18: Phylum Platyhelminthes: Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 19: Fasciola hepatica (Liver Fluke) (Phylum Platyhelminthes)
Chapter 20: Phylum Nematoda: Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 21: Ascaris (Phylum Nematoda)
Chapter 22: Introduction to Coelomates (Cladistic Methods, Evolution of Metamerism and Coelom)
Chapter 23: Phylum Annelida (Characters, Classification and Types)
Chapter 24: Nereis (Neanthes)
Chapter 25: Phylum Arthropoda (Characters, Classification and Types)
Chapter 26: Palaemon (Macrobrachium) (Prawn) (Phylum Arthropoda)
Chapter 27: Certain General Topics of Arthropoda
Chapter 28: Invertebrate Hormones
Chapter 29: Insect Pest Management (Insect Control)
Chapter 30: Phylum Onychophora and Peripatus
Chapter 31: Phylum Mollusca (Characters, Classification and Types)
Chapter 32: Pila globosa (The Apple Snail) (Phylum Mollusca)
Chapter 33: Torsion in Gastropods
Chapter 34: Phylum Echinodermata (Characters, Classification and Types)
Chapter 35: Asterias (Starfish or Sea Star) (Phylum Echinodermata)
Chapter 36: Some General Topics of Echinodermata
Chapter 1: Phylum Chordata
Chapter 2: Phylum Hemichordata (General Characters, Classification and Types)
Chapter 3: Balanoglossus (Phylum Hemichordata)
Chapter 4: Herdmania
Chapter 5: Urochordata: General Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 6: Branchiostoma (Amphioxus or Lancelet)
Chapter 7: Cephalochordata: General Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 8: Subphylum Vertebrata and Class Cyclostomata
Chapter 9: Superclass Pisces (Fishes): General Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 10: Class Amphibia: General Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 11: Amphibia
Chapter 12: Class Reptilia: General Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 13: Poisonous and Non-poisonous Snakes; Biting Apparatus and Biting Mechanism
Chapter 14: The Pigeon: Columba livia
Chapter 15: Class Aves (The Birds): General Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 16: Class Mammalia: General Characters, Classification and Types
Chapter 17: Dentition of Mammals
Experiment 1: Phylum: Protozoa
Experiment 2: Phylum: Porifera
Experiment 3: Phylum: Coelenterata
Experiment 4: Phylum: Annelida
Experiment 5: Phylum: Arthropoda
Experiment 6: Phylum: Mollusca
Experiment 7: Phylum: Echinodermata
Experiment 8: Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Experiment 9: Phylum: Aschelminthes
Experiment 10: Mount of mouth parts and dissection of digestive system and nervous system of Periplaneta
Experiment 1: Museum Specimens of Cyclostomata
Experiment 2: Museum Specimens of Fishes
Experiment 3: Museum Specimens of Amphibia
Experiment 4: Museum Specimens of Reptilia
Experiment 5: Museum Specimens of AVES
Experiment 6: Museum Specimens of Mammalia
Experiment 7: Types of Beaks and Claws