
Zoology For B.Sc. Students Semester IV: MJC 5, 6 & 7 | Cell Biology | Endocrinology | Ecology - NEP 2020 Bihar

Zoology For B.Sc. Students Semester IV: MJC 5, 6 & 7 | Cell Biology | Endocrinology | Ecology - NEP 2020 Bihar

Author : VK Agarwal

(0 Reviews)
  • ISBN : 9789364682572
  • Pages : 600
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Imprint : S Chand Publishing
  • © year : 2025
  • Size : 6.50*9.25

Price : 499.00 399.20

This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. Fourth Semester students of Zoology for Patna University and other Universities in Bihar under the recommended National Education Policy 2020. It comprehensively covers the theoretical and practical aspect of the papers, namely, 'MJC 5: Cell Biology', 'MJC 6: Endocrinology' and 'MJC 7: Ecology'.

The theoretical sections of the textbook cover essential topics across Cell Biology, Endocrinology, and Ecology, providing a comprehensive foundation for students.

In Cell Biology, the theory explores the fundamental principles of cellular structure and the functions of organelles involved in a range of cellular processes. Topics include cell growth, division, survival, death, and the regulation of these critical processes. Additionally, the theory discusses cell signaling and its role in maintaining cellular functions, as well as how defects in organelle function and the regulation of cellular processes can lead to disease development.

The Endocrinology section focuses on the endocrine system, outlining the basic properties of hormones and their importance. It emphasizes the endocrine system's collaborative role with the nervous system in maintaining homeostasis and how hormonal regulation impacts physiological processes and disease development.

The Ecology section delves into population characteristics, dynamics, growth models, and interactions, as well as community structures, ecosystem development, and climax theories. It covers various types of ecosystems, food chains and webs, energy flow, and ecological efficiencies. The textbook also highlights the application of ecological principles to wildlife conservation and management.

The book includes relevant experiments to support conceptual understanding and teach experimental techniques. More than 200 detailed, well-labeled diagrams are featured to enhance comprehension, providing visual reinforcement of the material. Chapter-end exercises, comprising over 400 questions, are included to help students review and solidify their knowledge. Additionally, boxed inserts throughout the text offer supplementary information on complex terms and topics, enriching the reader's learning experience.

  1. More than 200 well-labelled diagrams have been provided for easy understanding of the concepts
  2. Boxed items throughout the text providing information on intricate terms and topics
  3. Engaging chapter-end exercises have been provided for practice
  4. Collection of experiments to stimulate interest and aid in learning and memoriSing the practical aspect of the subject



Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Viruses
Chapter 3: Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Cell
Chapter 4: Plasma Membrane
Chapter 5: Endomembrane System: I. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Chapter 6: Endomembrane System: II. Golgi Apparatus
Chapter 7: Structure and Functions of Peroxisomes, Ribosomes and Lysosomes
Chapter 8: Mitochondria
Chapter 9: Cytoskeleton: (Microtubules, Microfilaments, Intermediate Filaments)
Chapter 10: Nucleus
Chapter 11: Chromosomes and Types of DNA
Chapter 12: Cell Cycle and Cell Divisions: Mitosis and Meiosis


Chapter 13: Introduction to Endocrinology
Chapter 14: Hypothalmo-hypophyseal System
Chapter 15: Peripheral Endocrine Glands
Chapter 16: Molecular Endocrinology


Chapter 17: Definition and History of Ecology
Chapter 18: Biotic Environmental Factors (Ecological Relationships)
Chapter 19: Laws of Limiting Factors and Abiotic Environmental Factors
Chapter 20: Ecosystem and Ecological Pyramids
Chapter 21: Nutrient and Biogeochemical Cycles
Chapter 22: Population (Population Ecology)
Chapter 23: Community, Niche, Ecotone, Edge Effect and Bioindicators
Chapter 24: Biodiversity
Chapter 25: Wildlife Cons
Chapter 26: Sanctuaries and National Parks of India
Chapter 27: Pollution and its Hazards



Experiment 1: Vital Staining of Mitochondria in Buccal Epithelium
Experiment 2: Preparation of Temporary Stained Squash of Onion Root Tip to Study Various Stages of Mitosis
Experiment 3: Study of Various Stages of Meiosis through Permanent Slides
Experiment 4: Preparation of Polytene Chromosome from Salivary Gland of Chironomus Larva

Viva Voce


Experiment 1: Display of Gonads, Thyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas in Mammal through Videos/Models
Experiment 2A: Study of the Permanent Slides of Pituitary, Adrenal, Ovary, Testes, Islets of Langerhan's, Thymus, Thyroid and Parathyroid
Experiment 2B: Study of Permanent Slides of Vaginal Smear
Experiment 3A: Estimation of Plasma Level of any Hormone using ELISA Technique
Experiment 3B: Chromatographic Separation of Steroid Hormones using Paper Chromatography
Viva Voce


Experiment 1: Analysis of Soil/Pond/Biota
Experiment 2: Determination of Dissolved Oxygen and pH Measurements of Different Water Samples
Experiment 3: Determination of Population Density in a Natural/Hypothetica
Experiment 4: Report on a Visit to National Park/Biodiversity Park/Wildlife Sanctuary/Zoo

Viva Voce

B.Sc. Zoology Students

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