Author : Sarita Aggarwal
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Practical Manual has an important role in learning the right technique to handle complicated experiments in Biology. The purpose of teaching biology is not complete if the students are not acquainted with hands-on-experiments.
Along with biological terms, facts, concepts and principles, this book prepares the learner to carry out experiments single-handedly. The diagrams included with experiments give clarity to one's mind and also generates an interest in the subject to learn further. ISC Practical Biology Class XI is based on the syllabus prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), New Delhi.
• Develops practical skills for better understanding through first-hand experience.
• Enhances observational skill to identify various specimens and their parts.
• Builds skills to arrange and handle the apparatus and instruments in laboratory.
• The diagrams are simple and can be recapitulated easily.
• The observation tables present the data in a scientific manner to enable the student to analyse and conclude with correct reasoning.
• Well-thought-out viva-voce questions have been given at the end of each chapter.
• Investigatory projects are included to provide the concept of research and scientific work.
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